About My Blog: Expat and Motherhood

2020 – The Year of Covid and France

It is 2020 and what it on everyone’s mind is when is this Covid going to be done with. Normalcy would be a much welcome return and despite all the hurdles, our family decided to move to the south of France that fall.

Older entries in my blog deal with raising young child and the expectations one place on themselves. Newer posts will chronicle my exploits as an expat, and getting our lives settled in this foreign country. Expectations, disappointments, surprises – all will be spoken about here. I hope my readers find out the real truth, good and bad about my experiences.

In the process, I hope to learn about myself, my husband and my sons and understand that you sometimes have to let life happen to you.

à Bientôt

Moments in Motherhood 2015-2016

I am starting a blog to chronicle the moments that defy human patience and the moments filled with infinite joy. I somehow went through my twenty-somethings unscathed of this mom label to come to be an “early” forty-something with small children, and with my chances of seeing my own grandchildren quite bleak. No one told me about the difficulty of this role, and more so, the complexity that surrounds what is the most crucial relationship a human being will ever form with another.

So to curtail any potential bad habits that will lead me down a road of cliché prescription pills and alcohol addictions, I intend to explore the motherhood dynamic as it relates to my own existence and hopefully in someway to yours. I am a bonafide mom now and I am living it each and every day, moment by moment, with some better than others.

There are some of the questions I want to probe further about the nuances of motherhood.

Will I ever own grown-up furniture in a light colored fabric again?
Is it scary that I can faintly identify with Joan Crawford’s meltdowns as portrayed in Mommie Dearest at certain times?
Is it sad that I get some source of amusement from sneakily playing “Sex with Emily” podcasts as my children are busy in the other room?
When did I become a short-order cook for my family that causes me to conjure up food on the spry, day in and day out?
Is it shameful that I get a bit embarrassed at my elder’s son lack of talent on the baseball field?

Hopefully I can resolve some of these curiosities about my motherhood journey and perhaps help you with yours.

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